Our Mission
The mission of the Anselmo-Merna Public School Foundation is to promote enhanced opportunities for all students.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Anselmo-Merna Public School Foundation is to enhance the educational opportunities and services to the students, staff, faculty and residents of Anselmo-Merna Public Schools District 15. The Foundation shall promote and encourage increased support of the Anselmo-Merna School District by soliciting funds from alumni, patrons, and school supporters for grants and scholarships. This relationship will ensure sustained opportunities for the district’s students both now and in the future.
Goals of the Foundation
*Provide financial resources for programs and initiatives that align with the goals of the Anselmo-Merna Board of Education
*Promote community awareness and alumni awareness in the three “A”s—Academics, Arts, and Athletics
*Increase our scholarship opportunities for both graduating seniors and alumni pursuing degrees.
*Establish meaningful relationships with alumni and community members that will assist the district in obtaining additional resources for enrichment of the three “A”s.
*Recognize our outstanding students, teachers, and staff for their commitment to educational excellence.
The Foundation At a Glance
The Anselmo-Merna Public Schools Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization created to provide new and improved educational opportunities. We are a community-based and directed support organization, created to enrich the offerings in our public school. The Foundation operates on a not-for-profit basis.
Thank you to all the amazing donors over the past several years. Without you, this foundation would not be possible. You have made giving back to our school, teachers, and students an amazing opportunity and gift!
The mission of the Anselmo-Merna Public School Foundation is to promote enhanced opportunities for all students.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Anselmo-Merna Public School Foundation is to enhance the educational opportunities and services to the students, staff, faculty and residents of Anselmo-Merna Public Schools District 15. The Foundation shall promote and encourage increased support of the Anselmo-Merna School District by soliciting funds from alumni, patrons, and school supporters for grants and scholarships. This relationship will ensure sustained opportunities for the district’s students both now and in the future.
Goals of the Foundation
*Provide financial resources for programs and initiatives that align with the goals of the Anselmo-Merna Board of Education
*Promote community awareness and alumni awareness in the three “A”s—Academics, Arts, and Athletics
*Increase our scholarship opportunities for both graduating seniors and alumni pursuing degrees.
*Establish meaningful relationships with alumni and community members that will assist the district in obtaining additional resources for enrichment of the three “A”s.
*Recognize our outstanding students, teachers, and staff for their commitment to educational excellence.
The Foundation At a Glance
The Anselmo-Merna Public Schools Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization created to provide new and improved educational opportunities. We are a community-based and directed support organization, created to enrich the offerings in our public school. The Foundation operates on a not-for-profit basis.
Thank you to all the amazing donors over the past several years. Without you, this foundation would not be possible. You have made giving back to our school, teachers, and students an amazing opportunity and gift!